Cartography and maps

Dead external links deleted the 27.11.16.

Dears global readers,
This is the translation of that article written at first in French.

I’ve discovered recently this website in which a map’s classification is proposed. You may probably know that some submarines have been sunk in the Bay of Biscay, as the following submarines based in BETASOM: the Capitano Raffaele Tarantini, the Enrico Tazzoli and the Barbarigo.
That’s why, in the aim to visualize the Italian’s looses geographical areas, some coast and sea maps could be useful. Besides, a plenty of these maps, done in the 40’s, have been realized by German’s topographers in collaboration with the nationals institutes of geography, belonging to the region’s studied. Thus, in the aim to understand the German’s keys abbreviations on the Spain’s provinces, as the area included between Santander (Cantabria/Santander) to San Sebastian – Donostia (Basque Country/Gipuzkoa), I used this website in English. It’s a very well organized website and it seems also to include a forum.

Also, when I need to check a the localization of a place, I’m using this website , based on the Creative Commons license. Here you can easily find the precise situation of a local village. Besides, the interface is quite simple and seems to work perfectly.

On an other hand, some maps can be seen close to your personal living place. Let see two examples of places that I know, where you could find the map you need:

The University Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3, has it’s own library dedicated to maps, it’s called: “La Cartothèque”; this place is on the same stage (2d floor) of the library of geography. As the “cartothèque” is located in the G building, geographers used to say, as a joke, that it’s the “G point”.

The University of Nantes, has a Documentation Center in a renovated building called “INGARUN”. Don’t be afraid of the pronunciation, because there are two ways to say it, according to the olds students: you might say [INGARouN], according to the people working in, you should prefer saying [INGARun, like “1” in French]. There you can find: maps, master thesis and books.

In these two places, I’m sure you will be welcome.

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